Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Colours of My Life

Well, I am crazy today
To be penning down my thoughts and feelings
But hey, since I am touching on the subject of Life
might as well I said a bit more of it right

As what it says,
"Colours Of My Life"
Those words speaks for itself
In many aspect of my life
It has been colourful
Especially where I am working right now
"Rainbow Centre"
The name says it all
The students, staffs, support staffs, parents, caregivers
They are unique in a their own way

Not forgetting my circle of friends whom I have not seen for a long time
Sorry guys, will promise to meet you guys soon
And ya, those friends / acquaintance that I may have lost touch with
They have been colourful people
Bringing into my life colours
that shape my life
Without it, my life will be such a bore

I shall dedicate this blog to all my family, friends, acquaintance and not forgetting the Special one
Thanks for being in my life,
be it the past, present or the future

Signing off............. till the next time when a star strikes me

I thinK GoD can Explain

I am sure whatever has been happening in our Life
HE has every reason for it to happen that way
Be it for us to rejoice on happy moments
or for us to ponder upon a mishap
But its simply a "Lesson" for us to learn
A "Test" that makes us wonder how much are we being tested
Or how much patience or endurance when we are faced with hardship
Or how thankful we are
when we are given a bountiful of rewards
Bersyukur lah bila kamu dikurniakan kebaikan
Berisghtifar lah bila kamu jika dikurniakan kesulitan
Nescaya Allah masih menyayangi mu
This life has been a lesson for me
There are my shares of ups and downs
But then again, what is life without test
Its never gonna be an interesting journey without it
It has been part and parcel of life
With all that is said, I am grateful that I had been given this opportunity
to lead this side of my story
The colourful people surrounding me
My family
I will never ever exchange this life for anything else
I am grateful that I am given this life
Thanks Allah
Thanks for giving me this opportunity in Life
Thanks for bringing the people that I have met, am with right now or that I will meet in the future
I trust that these people are the ones that contributes to my learning
Thanks Allah
Syukur Alhamdulillah

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stand up, Stand TaLL and Stand Firm

Give me the strength for me pass through the upcoming days
Never want to falter even once in these crucial moments
For its only 9 more weeks left in my working calendar for this year
Yes 9 more
But with the load of work
And more responsibilities that is piling up
I wonder if it will hinder me
I may succumb to pressure
Pressures are bad for me sometimes
But it is rare that it makes me fall

For now, I shall live through each single day
Take things at its stride
Dont hope for miracles to happen
But MAKE miracles happen
I have yet to realise my full potential

I guess a good environment has a part to play
And environment where I will never have any disturbances while im doing work
Yet, I cant ask for anything more
I have to adapt to things

Adapt to all the changes
And challenge myself to be in constant touch with the changing trends of life
Not to make others around me worry, sad or even troubled by my failure to adapt
Never I want for my students to not progress just because of an incompetent teacher

So now can Fairuz in the house please stand up,
Yeah you,
The one who goes by the name "FAIRUZ"
Stand up, Stand Tall and Stand Firm.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Another day in "Paradise"

Never had this feeling come back to me.....
I thought it will go away
Its exactly 1 year ago that I felt this way
This shitty feeling
The feeling where everything seems to be crumbling on me
The feeling when someone left me
Why must it come back??

Ya Allah,
Aku terima ujian mu pada hari pertama bulan yang penuh barakah ini
Bulan Ramadhan
I will take it in stride
Give me your light for me to go through this hard period

Ya Allah,
I asked for your blessings
And make me a better and stronger person
To go through what you have thrown to me
For I know this test is one that will help me through in the future

But for now,
I'm still feeing down, shitty and terrible
JUst no spirits to go through this few days
I just pray that this test will end soon

Friday, September 7, 2007

My repLy

Its been a long time now since i blog
Been busy... that's all i should say.. hehehe

Life has been wonderful eversince you came into my life
Soon, it will be 4 months that we are together
Although it has been short, but we have learnt a lot about each other

You make me think when you remained silence
You make me speak my mind
You let me groom to whom I am right now
Don't ever halt or stop what you are doing
You make me stand UP, stand taLL and stand FIRM on the ground
When my mind flutters away, you pull me back and rationalised with me
I thank you for that

I absolutely agree with you with regards to your post

Reasons Of a Great Relationship

  1. the Man Absolutely Adore His Woman & She knows it..
  2. The Woman Respect her Man & He knows it..
  3. As an individual.. They're Champions of Themselves
  4. When they're together.. They're a Champion Together - Boosting Each Other
  5. They have Honest Open Communication
I definitely feel we have all that in us

  • I definitely adore my gerl and I'm glad you see that =)
  • I know all right that you respect me. You are willig to listen to my thoughts and what I have to say about things. In turn, I respect your views too. Two head is always better than One right sayang??
  • Yup, totally agree with that. You are a champion in the things you do and me?? Hmmm I know something that I do best besides eating.. hahahaha (something to do with the mouth too!!!)
  • When we are together, you have never failed to make me smile. That little silliness in you makes me smile sometimes and when you explain something that I didn't know, I am simply awed by it. You share things, details or facts that I may not know or even heard about it. You make me learn things that I have failed to learn in the past. Yup, we are doing a whole lot of sharing. I should say we compliment each other well. And yes, not forgetting the encouragements that you had given me. It just makes me moving on. You cant imagine what we can do in the future that can benefit the people around us.
  • If you could remember, this is the one thing that I always emphasise. Open communication. I am glad we have been doing this and just look at how things have grown. Its been a part of us, not to sit on a problem or issue and try to suppress it. And I'm glad we did it this way. Not an easy feat to do but we are doing it. Kudos to you sayang.

So, things have been spoken and written. A reply to my thoughts about what you have said. Indeed I am happy with things. Or I should say I'm elated. But I would like to thank my gerl, still quite in my memory. This words are what SHE said,

"You Gonna love this gal for coming into your life"

And I bet I am enjoying my life. Dont you think so?????????