Saturday, July 28, 2007

EndEaVoUR... EndURe = SucCesS

Finally, the day has come
Osim International Triathlon 2007
Had a bad night though
Could not sleep well
Maybe just feeling excited
Anyway, got up at 7am and set off at 8
Well, definitey I am not cycling to ECP so took a cab
The cab driver is so helpful and guess wat???
He is also an avid cyclist
We were chatting all about bikes till we reach ECP
Had to take the far route as the service road is close
Then panic struck me when I try to assemble my bike
My back tyre alignment was off
Damn I panic
Of all time, it has to happen to me
At ECP, just before the competition
My back tyre just refuse to move
Had to carry my bike all the way to the food centre
Damn, it was a daunting task, with the weight and distance
It just dawn on me that its gonna be a bad day
Lucky for me, when I dismantled my bike and put on the tyre back
It just fits in nicely
Damn I was lucky
And there we were
Dawn, Steven, Sherlene, Maria, Annchi and myself
Feeling a bit jittery but it all fade away after a while
I still have the cheek to have roti john for breakfast hehehehe
Our wave started at about 11am
Yeah, we waited for 2 hours
My, was Dawn and Steven fast
Was just preparing myself for the cycling leg
And there they were running down from the bridge
Now here is my turn
Running with my bike
Trying to gain a head start
And hell i put on my running shoes... hehehe
The mud does not deter me a bit
Off i went on my bike
(Annchi was like telling me after that they could not notice me when I set off, guess i was like a lightning)
Hey, feeling a bit Kan chiong i guess
But it was a good ride
Feel like "Tour d France" ala Singapore style
Wheezing past some cyclist
Damn i admire those road race bike, and the legs that drives the bike on
They gave me added booster trying to play catch up with the season triathelets
Then, a thought struck me
How many laps was I suppose to cover????
Oh gawd, I forgot
Oh well, just continued with two laps and hey, I was right
(only after I confirm with the officials hahahaha)
Nontheless, I was happy
And it gave my runner a good buffer for her to be in comfort
Overall it was a great experience
If only i could swim
Had i joined for the individual sprint
Guess i need to learn swimming
Now, waiting for the next triathlon to come to town
Thanks Dawn for roping me into this event
And to the supporters that came to lend us their voices under the pouring rain
namely Lisa n fren, Syifa, Eve, Maria's fren and Anthony
Thanks guys!!!


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