Saturday, July 28, 2007


Apart from the triathlon
I missed someone's presence
And non other than my own sweetheart
If only she was there, she might provide that extra energy booster
But after last night,
I felt like a new man
Let the sparkle fly again my dear
Eventhough this week had been shitty
Nontheless, last nite was the end to the bad week we had been having
Reading your blog just now was quite alot for me to chew on
But will try to remember the important ones
Sure we wanna be a happy couple right sayang
Lets try all that's being said in those article ya
Who knows it might just work wonders for us
How i miss you dearly
Wanting to hold you close
Furthermore with the rain this mid morning
I really yearn for your touch
Maybe even cuddle up together
Sayang, I do hope Sis is ok now
I want to make it up to her
What is the thing that she likes most?
Wanna get something for her
Can eh??
Btw thanks for accompanying me
Collecting my bike and even waited for me while the techinician added the bar end
Really appreciate it
Eventhough the puddles of water upsets you
Coz your pants get wet
But then after we were in the bus
Me sending you home
The chat we had
Just eliminated everything
THIS is one of the reasons why I hold on to you so dearly
This post is basically for you
Just a way for me to show my appreciation for you
And my love
Hoping to see you soon
Missing my love dearly


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