Friday, December 7, 2007

Finally i'm back...
blogging things down here..
Been a while, more than a month since i blog..
But ini pun pasal aku tak dapat tidor...

Been having a bad hiccup since i had an minor surgery on wednesday...
To remove my wisdom tooth...
Oh my, it took d dentist more than an hour to get it out.
Degil sangat gigi aku tu...
Hahaha... Nonetheless, i had cuts on my left lips...
All thanx to the dentist and the difficult tooth

Well, what can i do to get myself to sleep...
Maybe penning down my feelings and thoughts might jus do the trick

Why is the human mind and heart so complicated to understand...
Maybe that's the reason why scientist, psychologist and other braniac till this very day,
could not find the specific answer to this very question of mine

I'm just contemplating on this thoughts i had...
why people have never a definite answer to what they want in life?
Why do they have to come to a crossroad when they have already set the road map?
Why is men never contented with what they have?

I hope i know the answer, but all i can say is, men are created in a way such that they will never be contented with what they have, until they start losing something precious. Speaking through experience i guess. But hey nver will i make any mistake in the future, as i have learnt to be contented with what i have. Its all god's gift. So treasure it while it last for you will only regret when you let go off it.

The mind and the heart( our feelings) never work in a way that it compliments each other. There are times where it contradicts.

Lets look at how a mind works. It works in way that u rationalize things and thus stating the pros and cons of a certain issue that you or me might be facing. After which you make decisions on the very facts that you attained from the rationalizing that you made. But then, you make that decision without following what your heart/feelings says.

As for the heart. As it says, "feelings", it entirely depends on how you feel towards a certain situation. Never gonna put into consideration of how the mind feels. Just making decision that you feel is right.

In what ever way it is, whether you use your mind or your feelings to make a decision, it might just not be the right answer you are looking for. You might just make the wrong move that you will regret the whole of your life.

Just a thought i had and feel needed to be pen down...
P.S.. If you do have to make a decision, its best to consult both your mind and feelings. 2 is always better than 1 rite???



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