Saturday, October 20, 2007

BLue Mooooooo

Without fail, Budak Pantai never fails to entertain my heart.
Got to know at the very last minute that they are performing last night
Head down to YMCA after work last evening, despite the rain just hours before
Lucky for me, the skies clear up
And the stars start appearing one by one, together with the crescent moon
providing a nice backdrop for the night.
Back to Budak Pantai (BP), their renditions of All Rise and Unbreak my heart
helps me bring back a laughter in me
for that moment at least.
At least.....

Oh, seems like I have failed to consistently update my blog.. hahaha
as usual i guess
And to cuzzies... sorry about the pictures
Well upload it soon

Anyway, Raya this year
Yet again, it lacks the sparks
Apa ke tidak, jalan raya 3 rumah
Boring nyer!!!
At least I get to meet all my cousins this year
Yes... All of them
Including my long lost abang Sharul
Glad to see him once more

At work, I wonder its just because its Friday
To my amazement
My student has been looking for me in class while I was away doing Friday prayers
Its really amazing as he is afraid of me and he will cling on to his maid
There he was, looking at me where ever I go
And extending his hands asking me to take him
Aint that cute
After almost 16 weeks I took him
Finally he surprises me with something
Hope for more surprises at the end of this semester
Wonder what it will be

And wonder I am, thinking of someone
Not worried but just missing
Here I am, mugging at home
In front of this PC
Not knowing what to do

Hey maybe i should go for a ride....
Yeah I should....
Till the next update

Aku hanya seorang insan biasa
Tak kurangnya cacat cela pada diriku ini
Dan tak jauh dari salah dan silap
Hanya padamu ku mememinta dan momohon
Berikanlah pedoman hidup
Untuk ku melalui ranjau hidup ini


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