Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I thinK GoD can Explain

I am sure whatever has been happening in our Life
HE has every reason for it to happen that way
Be it for us to rejoice on happy moments
or for us to ponder upon a mishap
But its simply a "Lesson" for us to learn
A "Test" that makes us wonder how much are we being tested
Or how much patience or endurance when we are faced with hardship
Or how thankful we are
when we are given a bountiful of rewards
Bersyukur lah bila kamu dikurniakan kebaikan
Berisghtifar lah bila kamu jika dikurniakan kesulitan
Nescaya Allah masih menyayangi mu
This life has been a lesson for me
There are my shares of ups and downs
But then again, what is life without test
Its never gonna be an interesting journey without it
It has been part and parcel of life
With all that is said, I am grateful that I had been given this opportunity
to lead this side of my story
The colourful people surrounding me
My family
I will never ever exchange this life for anything else
I am grateful that I am given this life
Thanks Allah
Thanks for giving me this opportunity in Life
Thanks for bringing the people that I have met, am with right now or that I will meet in the future
I trust that these people are the ones that contributes to my learning
Thanks Allah
Syukur Alhamdulillah


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