Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Colours of My Life

Well, I am crazy today
To be penning down my thoughts and feelings
But hey, since I am touching on the subject of Life
might as well I said a bit more of it right

As what it says,
"Colours Of My Life"
Those words speaks for itself
In many aspect of my life
It has been colourful
Especially where I am working right now
"Rainbow Centre"
The name says it all
The students, staffs, support staffs, parents, caregivers
They are unique in a their own way

Not forgetting my circle of friends whom I have not seen for a long time
Sorry guys, will promise to meet you guys soon
And ya, those friends / acquaintance that I may have lost touch with
They have been colourful people
Bringing into my life colours
that shape my life
Without it, my life will be such a bore

I shall dedicate this blog to all my family, friends, acquaintance and not forgetting the Special one
Thanks for being in my life,
be it the past, present or the future

Signing off............. till the next time when a star strikes me


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