Sunday, June 17, 2007

CraZy saTurDay

Believe it or not, i spent the whole of saturday outside.
Started with recce at SAF Yacth Club and ending up at my regular gym hangout.

Met Kai Hai after a long time and guess i will miss him a lot.
No more Mr Chevy. And no more prata trips to Simpang Bedok.
Guess I am gonna be all alone when I were to head down to Margaret Drive for meetings and stuffs from now on.
Now that's all left of the remaining gang are Keen and me.
But with Keen married, guess there is no more hangout "kakis".
Luckily i got my wonderful Sayang to keep me accompany when i go about doing my nonsense. Hehehe

Moving on, met up with the rest of the buddies and we bowled at SAFRA Tampines.
Hell the wait was long.
Ju, don't forget to send me some of the pictures we took ya.
Forget to whip out my Olympus out.
Doing some catching up while waiting for our turn.
My, shiks is dating a guy. That's a lot of time shiks. hahaha
And during that wait, I missed my dearest Sayang.
If only you were there that time. hehehe.
Rolling time, and we bowled but with time in check as Shiks had a date to catch.
Not bad looking guy arr Shiks.

Parted ways at Orchard and head down to Raffles for my Gym!!
Been like 3 weeks or shall I say a month i have not head down to the gym.
Wow, it was a great feeling to be back man!
And with not a single crowd at the gym i enjoyed hopping around the machines.
Felt the ache but what the hell, need to train for the competition and ya to tone up my body for myself to embrace.
Oh and not forgetting for better performance.

Moving back to friday.
It was kinda a crazy day.
It rains in the morning, thus hampering my hopes of going for my biking trip down to ECP.
But by mid morning, it clears up. I guess its just my luck. Woohoo!!
Whip out my gears and off i went on my trip.
But not with problems i faced before and after the ride.
My bike handle became loose.
Just wondering what's the prblem with this new bike.
Just the other day, the chains goes loose and when i ask my distributor, he says its normal for new bikes.
It scared hell out of me.
Had it check and ya its ok.
The trip itself is smooth. Able to cover the whole trip under 2 hours.
Maybe I am gaining my stamina back. But still have to work on on those legs.
Midway, my crank and chains started to feel a bit loose.
Not enough of that, my gearbox became jam thus hampering my bike from working proper. Arrgghhhh!!!
Luckily I am not far from Tampines. If not I would have start cursing.
Furthermore with my evening date drawing near, I had to hurry home and be all prepared for it.
Get home in a jiffy after getting it fixed. !/2 hour it took for the tech to fixed the whole problem. Wonder whats going to happen the next time round. Only God knows.

The date i had was simply awesome.
No words to describe.
The nite under the stars was simply terrific.
With the stars gazing the skies. I cant help but not to stop looking at the clear skies.
Wish i have a house on top of a hill. Can that be a reality one day?
It might be if we worked hard. Sayang, thanks for that wonderful evening and the food.
Its nice but i would hav preferred the potatoes versus the chicken. Thanks again.
Looking forward to next date ya. *wink*

Ok lah. That's for now. Gotta to do some maintainence to my bike.


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