Saturday, May 12, 2007

What a NitE!!

Last nite was simply awesome, spectacular. There is no other words to describe. And ya, maybe I'm doing things because I want to do it, not for the sake of doing it. I applaude myself for preparing my favourite chicken salad for my date with my special one. Never imagine that I am doing it.

Talking about last nite, we had a quite time at the reservoir where it is full of serenity. Be silent and you can simply listen to the different sounds of nature. Never felt this close to nature, I mean in the longest time I could remember. And I learnt a bit about yoga!! She thought me the proper posture and deep concentration. It was a real test of my endurance and concentration. Thanks sayang for teaching me something new. I'm sure there are more things to come rite??

I felt such comfort being in her arms. I felt secured and the sense of being loved. I thanks God for giving me this opportunity to fall in love again. She sets my heart going again. And she has been my motivation to do more things. Sayang, i will pray every nite. Praying for the best for the 2 of us. Insya allah may we last long.

Its the weekend now, and both of us will be busy. Oh today is KEEN'S Wedding.... Hope it will be a fantastic 1, and guess what? I am still contemplating over what to wear... wakakaka... typical of me.

That's it for now... ciaoz


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