Tuesday, May 1, 2007


1st of May - aka Labour Day

Lots of things has happen lately, be it good or bad, but obviously it has changed me. Not to say im much wiser now, but it has help me to be a better person.

Made new friends, do things I have not done before. And ya, start saving for the future. Well it may seems a bit late, but nothing is never too late to start right. Start to sign up insurance, fitness club membership and other club memberships too. Like i got loads of money like that. Anyway, Im glad with the way things are going on right now.

Work has been a tremendous stress for me. Not that there is much to do, but its the case where I do not know what are the things to be done and what is expected of me. I tried as much to do things at home but could not find the peace to do just that. I HAVE TO ORGANISE MYSELF!!!! Come on Fairuz, you can do it.

Moving on, guess what?? I like someone at work. I just find her different from the other girls I know. She is unique, with her own personality and character and her charisma. It just turns me on. Didnt get to see her smile a lot last year but this year, wooh, she just captures my heart more. And yah, im trying to find out more as to why I have this liking for her, apart for all that charactheristics. I went out with her lately and i just could not resist every chance of not catching a glimpse of her. If I have the chance to look in her eyes directly and says I like the way you are, I will definitely grab that precious moment.

I dont know whether its a crush or something close to that, but 1 thing I know, I had never felt the adrenalin in my blood before. Been a while since i felt excited about this kinda thing. Hey gerl, I just cant take my eyes off you. Yeah you...... sweet lady!!!


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